Brazilian architects offices, Brasil architecture practices, Contemporary design studios, Current building designers

Brazilian Architects

Contemporary Architectural Studios in Brasil, South America

post updated 16 February 2024

Brazilian Architect – Architecture Office Listings

Additions for the Brazilian Architecture Studios page welcome

Brazilian Architects Offices

This page contains a selection of major architects studios, with links to individual practice pages. We’ve selected what we feel are the key Brazilian architects studios. The focus is on contemporary architects in Brazil but information on key traditional architecture studios is also welcome.

The most celebrated architect from the last few decades is Oscar Niemeyer famous for various Modern buildings but especially for his masterlan at Brasilia. Currently the most notable architecture practice are studio mk27, Isay Weinfeld and Vazio Arquitetura – mostly for buildings in Brasil with the occasional work beyond.

Brazilian Architecture
FP House Brasil design by Brazilian Architects office
photograph : Leonardo Finotti

Links to Brazilian Architect Studio InformationArchitect Practices in Brazil listed alphabetically by surname

Key 20th Century Brasil Architect Practices

Lina Bo Bardi

Oscar Niemeyer

Paulo Mendes da Rocha

Brazilian Architects Practices

Andrade Morettin Arquitetos

BCMF Arquitetos

Brasil Arquitetura

FGMF Arquitetos (São Paulo)

Isay Weinfeld

Marcio Kogan

Procter : Rihl

Studio Arthur Casas

UNA arquitetos

Vazio Arquitetura (Belo Horizonte)

More Brazil architects studios online soon

Carlos Teixeira of Vazio S/A
Carlos Teixeira architect
photo from architect

Brasil architect offices featured on this site but not listed in architect practice section

Königsberger Vannucchi Arquitetos Associados
Lucio Costa
MMBB Arquitetos

studio mk27 Brazil Architects

Additional Brazilian architect studios welcome : please mail images (min. 72 DPI and 900 pixels wide) with architect practice profile to us at the e-mail address below.

Location: Brazil, South America

World Architects

South American Buildings
Brazilian house
photo : Marcelo Nunes

São Paulo Developments
Brazilian residence
photo : Nelson Kon

American Architecture

Brazilian Architectural Designs

Rio de Janeiro Architecture Walking Tours, Brasil, by e-architect

New Brazilian Architecture Designs

RG House, Pato Branco, state of Paraná
Design: Michel Macedo Arquitetos
RG House Pato Branco Parana
photo : Eduardo Macarios
House in Pato Branco
Conditioned by an environmentally protected area at the backyard, this residence diverges into two distinct priority facts, one environmental and another human: the uneven topography, characteristic of the city, and the contemplative value that the preserved vegetation offers to the residents on the most private limit of the lot.

Planet Smart City, Aquiraz, near Fortaleza, Ceará
Design: Studio Kyze Arquitetura e Design
Planet Smart City Aquiraz, Brasil
image courtesy of architects
Planet Smart City Aquiraz, Brasil
Planet Smart City, the global provider of smart affordable housing, has expanded its presence in Brazil with the launch of its fourth smart project in the country: Smart City Aquiraz. The 200-hectare site, which is located just 29km from Ceará’s capital Fortaleza.

Rio Olympic Park Buildings, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Design: BCMF Arquitetos
Copacabana Stadium
image : Rio 2016/BCMF Arquitetos
Rio Olympic Park Buildings

Brazil Architecture Competition

Additions / photos for the Brazil Architecture Studios – Arquitetos Brasil on the e-architect website page welcome.