Paris Architecture, Parisian Building Photos, Project, Architects News, Property Images

Paris Buildings : Parisian Architecture

Contemporary Architecture Developments in France, western Europe

post updated 26 May 2024

Paris Architecture Links – chronological list

Paris Architecture

The French capital of is a renowned city for architecture. Celebrated architects that lived or worked here include Le Corbusier, Perrault and Nouvel. The city has strong formal axes and spaces, with many interesting buildings by famous designers.

Louvre Pyramid:
Paris Architecture Louvre Pyramid

Eiffel Tower ; Trocadero ; lnstitut du Monde Arabe:
Eiffel Tower Paris Trocadero Paris architecture Institut du Monde Arabe Paris
photos © Isabelle Lomholt / Adrian Welch

e-architect choose the best Parisian Architecture Designs, focusing on major contemporary Parisian buildings.

Paris Architecture News
HEC Student Housing
photograph : Clément GUILLAUME

We have 8 pages of Parisian Architecture selections with links to hundreds of individual project pages.

Paris Architecture : news + major projects (this page)

Paris Buildings : A-B

Paris Architectural Designs : C-D

Paris Building Developments : E-F

Paris Architectural Developments : G-K

Paris Architecture Designs : L-O

Paris Architecture Developments : P-R

Paris Building Designs : S-Z

Ten Key Paris Buildings

Paris Architecture Designs, chronological:

1. Notre-Dame Cathedral
2. The Pantheon
3. Arc de Triomphe
4. Garnier Opera House
5. The Louvre Museum Pyramid
6. Eiffel Tower
7. Sacre Coeur
8. Pompidou Centre
9. Arab du Monde lnstitute
10. Parc de la Villette

Major Paris Buildings

Parisian Architecture, alphabetical:

Centre George Pompidou, Rue Beaubourg, IVe
Design: Richard Rogers / Renzo Piano Architects
Paris building
photo © Adrian Welch
Radical building for its time : Pompidou Centre – Hi -Tech Parisian architecture

lnstitut du Monde Arabe, 1 Rue des Fossés, V
Design: Jean Nouvel Architect
lnstitut du Monde Arabe
photograph © Jean Nouvel ; photograph: Georges Fessy
This buildijng came out of one of the first Grands Projet architecture contests: lnstitut du Monde Arabe

Musée du Louvre, Ie
Design: various architects
Louvre Museum Photo
image © Isabelle Lomholt

Pyramide du Louvre, Ie
Design: I.M. Pei & Partners Architects
Louvre Pyramid
photo © Isabelle Lomholt
Louvre Pyramid Building : radical contemporary design, foil to traditional Louvre architecture

Tour Eiffel, Rue de Champ de Mars, VIIe
Design: Gustave Eiffel
Eiffel Tower
photograph © Adrian Welch
Eiffel Tower : most famous structure in Paris, heroic iron architecture

Villa La Roche
Design: Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret
Villa La Roche Paris
image © Karavan
Villa La Roche

La Basilique du Sacré Coeur, Montmartre, XVIIIe
Design: Paul Abadie Architect
Sacré Coeur
photograph © Adrian Welch
Sacré Coeur Paris church : Sacred Heart Church building

Paris Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect

Paris Buildings – Latest Designs

Parisian Building Developments, chronological:

9 Sep 2013
Pink Flamingo
Design: Stephane Maupin & Partners
Pink Flamingo Student Housing Paris
photo : Clement Guillaume
Pink Flamingo Paris
The project is a dormitory for students in a multi layered spaces. The new building takes place on the east Side of Paris, a new area build over rail tracks. All the difficulty was to make a construction without any foundation.

11 Jul 2013
Parc du Millénaire
Design: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates
Parc du Millénaire Paris
picture from architect
Parc du Millénaire
News of the recent groundbreaking ceremony, hosted by leading French developer ICADE, and attended by the French Minister of Justice Christiane Taubira and First Deputy Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. The building, located in the Parc du Millénaire, along the northern edge of the principal ring road encircling metropolitan Paris (the Boulevard Périphérique), will be occupied solely by the Ministry of Justice.

29 May 2013
Porte de Paris, Saint-Denis
Design: Atelier Du Pont
Porte de Paris Building
photograph : Luc Boegly
Porte de Paris
This housing programme is part of the Porte de Paris urban development zone on the edge of the historic centre of Saint-Denis. It is located at the meeting point of two contrasting urban environments: to the west is the Rue de la Légion d’Honneur, a very busy shopping street that leads to the basilica, and to the south is the new Porte de Paris neighbourhood where public amenities rub shoulders with other activities.

20 May 2013
Patrick Roger Boutique
Design: XTU
Patrick Roger Boutique Paris
photo : Boegly
Patrick Roger Boutique Paris
This project was the discovery of the work, sculptures and workshop Patrick Roger. Through him the chocolate has emerged as a world of flavor, taste, and as a material for reversible property changes state from solid to liquid state.

16 Apr 2013
Rudy Ricciotti Exhibition, Cite de l’architecture Show
‘Architecture is a combat sport’ – architectural article by Rebecca Breun, e-architect
Building by Rudy Ricciotti
photo © RB
Rudy Ricciotti Exhibition
There can be no question about it: Rudy Ricciotti is the French architect to watch at present. So it was no surprise that Cite de l’architecture in Paris put on an exhibition dedicated to him. Since the construction of the stadium in Vitrolles in the 1990’s, his architecture practice has been responsible for a number of important buildings both in France and elsewhere. This is not signature architecture.

new photos added 5 Mar 2013
Ecole Bobigny
Design: Mikou Design Studio
School Building Bobigny
image from architect
Ecole Bobigny
The city centre school in Bobigny is in a strategic urban location, bounded by three large streets and by a pedestrian space on the north. It is in the middle of an urban complex mainly composed of housing, near the city hall. Therefore this new school is a visually remarkable amenity, visible by its façades and its roof, a founding element of the project onto which the openings of the neighbouring dwellings face.

28 Feb 2013
M Building, Rue Rebière
Design: Stephane Maupin & Partners
M Building Paris
photo : Cécile Septet
M Building in Paris
The project takes place in the north Pierre Rebiere Street is a 600 meters long and 25 meters wide straight line. It is surrounded by the Batignoles’ cemetery on one side and by the back entrance of the international high school Honoré de Balzac on the other. The transformation of this narrow abandoned street allows the establishment of whole string of new buildings.

14 Feb 2013
FFR Grand Stade, Essone, south west of Paris
Design: Populous + Ateliers 2/3/4/
FFR Grand Stade
photo from architects
FFR Grand Stade
After several months of discussions with three competing groups, the FFR has made its choice of designers and has issued the first computer-rendered images for the new French Rugby Stadium building.

15 Jan 2013
Samaritaine Cheval Blanc
Design: Edouard François
La Samaritaine Cheval Blanc
photograph © Edouard François
La Samaritaine Cheval Blanc Paris
The exceptional site for this confidential project is a historic department store designed by Henri Sauvage that overlooks the Seine river and the Pont Neuf. The Samaritaine is a landmark that embodies a Parisian tradition.

Paris Office Buildings

Key Recent Paris Architecture

Cartier Foundation Paris
Jean Nouvel / Emanuel Cattani et Associés
Fondation Cartier Paris
image © Jean Nouvel ; photo: Philippe Ruault
Cartier Foundation Paris

Fondation Imagine
Ateliers Jean Nouvel / Valero Gadan
Fondation Imagine Paris
picture © Ateliers Jean Nouvel / Valero Gadan
Fondation Imagine

Hermitage Plaza
Foster + Partners
Hermitage Plaza Paris Skyscrapers
picture : Foster + Partners
Hermitage Plaza : skyscraper architecture

La Gaîté lyrique
Manuelle Gautrand
La Gaîté lyrique Paris
photograph : Philippe Ruault
La Gaîté lyrique

La Ville Intelligente, northeast Paris
La Ville Intelligente
© Jakob+MacFarlane – Nicolas Borel photographer
La Ville Intelligente

Le Monde
Atelier Christian de Portzamparc
Le Monde Paris
photo © Kamel Khalfi
Le Monde Paris

Musée du quai Branly
Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Musée du quai Branly Paris
image © Rebecca Breun
Musée du quai Branly

Novancia business school
Novancia business school building
photograph : Georges Fessy
Novancia business school

Philharmonie de Paris
Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Philharmonie de Paris Building
picture : Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Philharmonie de Paris

Projet Triangle
Herzog & de Meuron
Projet Triangle Paris
image © Herzog & de Meuron
Projet Triangle

Simone de Beauvoir Footbridge
Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes
Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir
photo : David Boureau
Simone de Beauvoir Footbridge

Tour Horizons
Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Tour Horizons Paris
image © Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Tour Horizons

Paris Architecture welcome

Paris Architects

Paris Masterplan Architecture

Vision for Greater Paris : Architecture proposal by MVRDV
Paris Plus petit
picture from architects

Greater Paris Vision : Architecture proposal by LIN
Grand Paris Métropole Douce Vision
image © Fabio Casiroli, Systematica + LIN

Le Grand Paris : Exhibition, Vision 2030

More Paris Architecture Designs online soon

Location: Paris, France

Photo from Eiffel Tower southeast towards Ecole Militaire + Unesco Building tower:
Eiffel Tower Paris
picture © Isabelle Lomholt

Major Pierre Vives Montpellier building design by architect Zaha Hadid

Parisian Architect : Le Corbusier

Villa Savoie : Paris house by Le Corbusier

Buildings / photos for the Paris Architecture page welcome
