100 Walls Church in Cebu, New Southeast Asian architecture, Philippines religious building images

Church Buildings in The Philippines Buildings

New Religious Building in Southeast Asia design by CAZA Architects

19 Mar 2017

Design: CAZA (Carlos Arnaiz Architects)

Location: Cebu, Philippines

CAZA (Carlos Arnaiz Architects) Designs 100 Walls Church in Cebu

New Church Buildings in The Philippines



Status: Built | Completion Date: 2013

100 Walls Church in Cebu

Photographs by Iwan Baan

In 2013, over one million people attended the momentous unveiling of CAZA’s 100 Walls Church in Cebu, dedicated to one of the patron saints of Philippines. Since then, CAZA has continued to evolve its designs for meditative spaces of worship around the world. Designing for a diverse mix of spiritual beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences, CAZA’s sacred spaces honor plurality in the practice of worship.

The design for the 100 Walls Church challenges what sacred spaces look like today. Within the church, no room is completely bound by four walls. Intentionally nebulous, each space oscillates from being partly contained to being loosely attached to something else.

Each wall is placed in a singular direction so that the structure is completely opaque from one vantage and transparent from the opposite view. The church invites us to wander its grounds and discover sunken gardens, pockets of blue light, and an enigmatic profusion of talismanic walls. A multitude of doors and passages remind us that there are as many paths as there are lives, and that a sacred space today should draw out meaning in its inscrutability.

100 Walls Church in Cebu by CAZA

New Church Buildings in The Philippines – Laguna


Status: Under Construction | Anticipated Completion Date: 2017 | Courtesy CAZA Architects

La Salle Church, Laguna, Church Buildings in The Philippines

The design of the church plays with the idea of boundaries, between the lightness of the porous skin and the weight of the sanctuary. How do we go from being outside of a group to being within a faith?

Through an array of tangent circles, the church creates pockets for liturgical functions that vary in spatial constraints and degrees of formality, placing us along the periphery of a space in order to reveal inside and outside as contingent states of being. As part of a larger university master plan, the church is an integral component in weaving together culture and ecology by offering users a different idea of inclusiveness.

La Salle Church, Laguna, in The Philippines

New Church Buildings in The Philippines – Alabang


Status: Concept Stage | Courtesy CAZA Architects

Marian Church Alabang - Church Buildings in The Philippines

The Marian Church by CAZA creates a place of worship that is closely connected to nature. The design weaves the Church into the surrounding environment, incorporating the topography and climate of the location into the experience of occupying this sacred space. The existing slopes flanking the Church are utilized to create a natural amphitheater where people can sit and listen to mass.

This open-air amphitheater faces the interior garden, connecting the adoration chapel, sacristy and priest quarters with the main congregational hall. The Church harnesses the thermal mass of the gardens and maximizes the prevailing winds, resulting in a church that is passively cooled with no need for artificial air conditioning. The placement of the gardens vis-à-vis the slope establishes a terracing system that retains storm water and prevents on-site flooding.

The dramatic vaults of the congregational hall connect the Marian Church with the long history of sacred architecture during the Gothic, Romanesque and Renaissance periods. Natural light enters the church through the clerestories between each vault in a judicious and delicate manner, accentuating the relationship between the altar and parishioner. People enter the Church from multiple points and flow gently throughout the Church’s grounds, creating their own spiritual journey as they arrive to the congregational hall.

Marian Church Alabang in The Philippines

New Church Buildings in The Philippines – Hamilo


Status: Built | Completion Date: 2013 | Courtesy CAZA Architects

Hamilo Pavilion Church Buildings in The Philippines

The design concept for Hamilo Pavilion was to combine a number of preexisting structural features with a contemporary façade, marrying a subtle space with its extraordinary natural surroundings. The glass enclosure frames panoramic views of Pico de Loro Bay, focusing our sights onto a narrow horizontal band of space. The double-height roof folds over an expansive wooden terrace with a black metal mesh surface, establishing a place to reflect on the dialogue between nature and man-made construction.

This 125-square-foot pavilion punctuates a verdant forest without overpowering it. The roof acts both as a source of shade and as an optical lens for its visitors, reflecting the sky and creating an illusion of floating over the water below. The building hosts a range of social events, with multiple points of access demonstrating the structure’s versatility and organic position within the landscape.

Hamilo Pavilion in The Philippines by CAZA


CAZA (Carlos Arnaiz Architects) is a Brooklyn-based design studio, workshop, and think tank with offices in Manila, Philippines, and Bogotá, Colombia.

New Church Buildings in The Philippines by CAZA images / information received 180317


Location: Cebu, The Philippines

New Philippines Architecture

Contemporary Philippines Architecture

The Philippines Architecture Designs – chronological list

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Philippines Architecture

Architecture in eastern Asia

Vietnam Buildings

Hong Kong Architecture

Malaysian Architecture

Indonesia Buildings

Singapore Architecture

Chinese Architecture

Comments / photos for the Church Building Design in The Philippines – 100 Walls Church in Cebu design by CAZA (Carlos Arnaiz Architects) Brooklyn, NY, USA, page welcome